Sunday, June 26, 2005

To have an objective in life for the sole purpose of achieving the objective is akin to an infant in a baby-cot trying to reach for the mobile. While many of the objectives in life is set to give one a direction in life, if the objective is in itself impractical and serves no purpose, then why go through all the trouble to set it in the first place?

Why indeed? When u set objectives u set it in the context of today, which is changing even as u are trying to reach out and appreciate the situation. Thus odjectives will have no bearing on the outcome of the situation, plan as u might with the objective in mind and reality will have a mind of its own, toying with u, playing with ur intention, messing up ur painstaking planning. The irony of it all. Objective serves the sole purpose of reminding u of the pain of failure, the fatigue of running a marathon and realizing that all that awaits u is a vast barren land, strtching towards the horizon.

But yet everyday more and more resources are spend to set more and more objectives, more money to be made this year, more and more things to buy, ever more to do and so on. With so much different things to do, it can be argued that perhaps a certain objective will help to pin us in reality and guide us in what we are doing. However, quite on the contary, all that happens its we are forced to work harder than we can if the objectives is set too high or slack off if its too low. There is no such thing as a 'correct-level' objective, for the simple reason that the workplace is more and more dynamic and u will be limited by factors u cannot control.

Thus stop disturbing that mobile and grow up! Forget about the objectives. Throw them into bin, and just do ur best in the situation u are in. Remove the red lights from the highway, and speed off pass the speed camera.

12:46 AM

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Watched hitchhiker's guide n Tuesday, so its another movie review, at least a pseudo one.. Haha...

The Good

Okay a brief summary of the book and through that a summary of the movie. This is basically one of the completely irrelevant books of the 20th century. Part satire, part science fiction, Douglas Adams(the author in case u are wondering) wanted us to believe that the world is created by mice, that we are all in living in a experiment and will soon be destroyed by a Vogon constructor fleet(notice that its not a destructor fleet). Given the weird context of the book its not surprising that the movie is also quite quirky, and different. At least the parts that are adapted directly from the book have this original feeling to it.

The Bad

'So long and thanks for all the fish, So sad that it should come to this' was the opening to the movie, a pleasant surprise, until they decided to play it ala Mary Poppins over and over, so that it lasted something like 5 mins. A very bad way to start a movie whose target audience are teenagers. Instead of a completely fun movie or a tongue-in-cheek comedy, what u really get is a mish-mash of so many different scenes from the book and no clear line and link between them. To try to super-impose Mary Poppin's saccharine theme onto the movie is the second last nail in the coffin for this interpretation of the book.

And The Ugly

To see if a sence is redundant in the any movie, try to remove it and check to see if the movie still makes sense. In the case of this movie, the whole trillian-dent-beeblebox love affair was just a case in point, and its precisely so bad because it screws up the movie for those who want to see the book in moving colour. So now, those that did not read the book will not understand the movie and those that read the book will not like it.

While i agree that its really difficult to make a blockbuster out of a bestseller, i guess this one could be abit better. Something like 2.5 funny scenes in a 'humour' genre movie simply isn't good enough.

2:23 AM

Sunday, June 12, 2005

'Many Muslims look back at the century after the revelations to the Prophet Mohammed as a golden age. Its memory is strongest among the Arabs. What happened then-the spread of Islam from the Arabian Peninsula throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and even into Europe within less than a century-seemed, and seems, miraculous. Nostalgia for Islam's past glory remains a powerful force. ' this is from the 911 commission report, was just wondering bout its implications...

i guess all of us, not only muslims are in a sense 'nostalgic' about something or other that we have achieved in the past. like what the Times said bout the winner of the top 100 personalities last year but dropped this year 'We will not know when we have peaked.' it maybe getting straight As at jc, or marriage at 30, or becoming a CEO at 45, but we will not be able to have the benefit of hindsight and look at where we achieved our potential and gradually declined to our deaths.

thus given that we cannot see into the future, it is quite easy to see why we look back at past achievements for solace, as a form of 'iook i have done it before, i can do it again'. but this is by no means a solution to our present problems. while it may not nessecary lead to the fanatism witnessed in some individuals, it will at least cause to lull pourself into inactivity. i guess for quite sometime i was a case in point. in jc i keep thinking that chinese high was a great school, if only nj was lyk that... then in NS, nj is by comparison not so bad anymore and start wishing for 2 more yrs of life in nj.

while the past is good to remember, it is not to be lived in. if u, indeed i, was to live in it, it will be not only a dull, but redundant live. yupz... sums up my week quite nicely i guess... till next time, cheer up.

2:02 AM

You are Cocaine (aka: coke, crack, snow, 151...).
You are the second most commonly used drug in
the world. You are very witty, talented, perky
person if you can just have the right
opportunity to show to everybody how unique you
are, when you are in a good mood you can reach
a very high point of happiness. You are
classified as class (A and B) illegal drugs.

What kind of Drugs are you? and how that reflect your personality?
brought to you by Quizilla

cute rite... btw, a pretty nice game i am playing now is Druglord 2 from, not sure is 'nice' is the right word.. haha..

1:47 AM

Monday, June 06, 2005

quite an interesting... went to wash cars to help out with zhilin's yunnan CIP trip, interesting because, first, its not my CIP, and second, its more CIP than i can rightfully say i have done in my life. while i did help to sort out some books in a way-off community library b4, this is of a completely different ball-game...

was quite fun actually, with zhilin, chenghui, lingrui and shitian... then there are the other army ppl from zhilin's camp, so yah... its quite fun, if u cut out the odd looks that some of the drivers were giving us. anyhowz left early to eat with my parents. yupz... sums up my day haha...

found a pretty good website as well.. haha..

Don't Panic!

haha.. cya then..

3:27 PM

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Implicit Association Test

1:57 AM


Hydrochloric Acid
36.46 -114.8 -84.9
Colourless Gas


Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
-Friedrich Nietzsche



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