Tuesday, May 31, 2005

just caught madagascar... a wonderful movie with some really good laughs, the main characters were good mix and i guess a typical combination of charismatic, adventure seeking, motherly and well, the downright 'chao keng', if u get wat i mean... and not to forget the ever hilarious penguins and with a heartful dose of raving lemurs to get a great show...

'You didn't see anything... Right?'

plot wise, i think the movie is really more interesting than wat it seems, superficially the plot can be taken to be the coming of age of Marty (after all, 10 yrs old is the typical age of the show's target audience) realizing that the world is not only the small confines of a cage, but yet ignorant of the harsh realities of the wild. this in itself is not a bad start, and it develops through out the movie, from Alex realizing that must his friend as part of his diet to on a lesser degree Melman realizing that he must survive without medical support. and in the interest of a happy-ever-after ending, both realizes that there are alternatives to their problems. on a far more interesting note, is the comparision between the wild and the cage. is the zoo not good for the animals? many assume that the lack of space and the lack of live prey is unnatural and not benefitial to the animal. but in the movie, interestingly, the opposite is true... the animals ended up liking the cage more than the wild. i guess this is because the cage acts as a house to the animal, where feeding, shelter and rest all occurs within a small area. this lead to a sense of familarity that is not possible in the wild. in the same way, a child cannot wait to gain independance, until of course he is independent.

'Don't give me excuses! Give me results!'

haha... ok then i guess i have to 'move it move it' already... actually come to think bout it the only qualms bout the movie is the fact that its kinda short, so do try to catch it on a weekday afternoon or something when its not too expensive, or rather when its a little cheaper...

haha... will try to write/type some proper entries next time, 2 movies in a row is a little excessive!

12:12 AM

Sunday, May 29, 2005

caught star wars last week... pretty good i guess, at least in terms of the action scenes. the storyline though is pretty lacking and the script is almost crappy at some of the important parts of the show. acting wise i guessthere is also much to be desired, anakin (Hayden Christensen) seem to be quite detached from his role and at the start obi-wan was simply a joke at the start of the movie, just dun understand how can lucas do that to such a respected jedi master...

besides the fancy dress party, i guess we (zhilin & i) agree that there are certain morals behind the story. first is the murky greying between the good and the bad. this duality seems to be the theme of the movie anyway. how can u reject the power to save someone u love while proclaiming that u are saving lives? and yet to save that one person u must kill so many others? such dilemmas are quite 'unresolvable'...

'train urself to release wat u hold dear, u must'

another interesting fact bout the movie is the treatment of politics in the galaxy... the chancellor changed the republic to a empire without so much as any resistance from the senate, although he did attack the jedi temple. but the point is such a switch will not affect the vast majority of the people in the galaxy. indeed towards the end we see that tatooine is still a peaceful laid-back planet. making comparisons with the world today, perhap the push to democratize the world will not affect the life of many. it is only on paper that such actions that place with no change or improvement to the lives of the man in the street, leading to wide-spread apathy , and allowing dictators to reign... and so the vicious circle continues...

'This is how Liberty dies - with thunderous applause'

so i guess there are issues that are highlighted in the movie, although its almost seems lyk a coincidence that its there at all... haha... okie then shall end here... cya...

2:48 AM


Hydrochloric Acid
36.46 -114.8 -84.9
Colourless Gas


Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
-Friedrich Nietzsche



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